


If you use vim + vundle: Plugin 'dracula/vim', { 'name': 'dracula' } :PluginInstall Place colorscheme dracula after call vundle#end()



  1. Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.
  2. Move dracula.zsh-theme file to oh-my-zsh's theme folder: oh-my-zsh/themes/dracula.zsh-theme.
  3. Move /lib to oh-my-zsh's theme folder: oh-my-zsh/themes/lib.

Activating theme: Go to your ~/.zshrc file and set ZSH_THEME="dracula".



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and extract the .zip file to the themes directory i.e. /usr/share/themes/ or ~/.themes/ (create it if necessary).

Activating theme: To activate the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Dracula" gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Dracula" or Change via distribution specific tweak tool.

Icon Theme (optional) Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and extract the .zip file to the icons directory i.e. /usr/share/icons/ or ~/.icons/ (create it if necessary).

Activating icon theme: To activate the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Dracula" or Change via distribution specific tweak tool.



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: 1. Copy Dracula.conf to ~/.config/qt5ct/colors/ 2. Open up qt5ct (or manually edit your qt5 theme) and set Dracula as the active theme.



Configuring the theme: 1. Open Vivaldi's Settings panel - Tools menu > Settings (or press Ctrl-F12) 2. Select Themes in the sidebar 3. Click the + sign, enter a name (ex: Dracula) 4. Enter the following colors - Background: #282a36 - Foreground: #f8f8f2 - Highlight: #6272a4 - Accent: #44475a



Install the theme directly from Firefox Addons.



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip.

Activating theme: - Find your qutebrowser configuration directory (see e.g. :version in qutebrowser). This folder should be located at the "config" location listed on qute://version, which is typically ~/.config/qutebrowser/ on Linux. - Move the repository folder to dracula inside the configuration directory. - In your qutebrowser config.py file, include the following: ``` import dracula.draw

Load existing settings made via :set


dracula.draw.blood(c, { 'spacing': { 'vertical': 6, 'horizontal': 8 } }) ```



Activating theme: 1. Go into the Vimium addon's preferences. 2. Activate advanced options. 3. Now copy the content of vimium-dracula.css into the custom CSS field



Install using Thunderbird Themes



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: Copy or link as a .Xresources file in your home directory.



Install Download using the GitHub .zip download option.

Import dracula.yml in ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml.

import: - /path/to/dracula.yml



Install Download using the GitHub .zip download option.

Activating the theme Append the colour palettes in .config to your existing i3 configuration files.



Install Pasting this script in your browser console while browsing https://duckduckgo.com:

var dracula=["7=282a36","8=f8f8f2","9=50fa7b","ae=t","t=p","s=m","w=n","m=l","o=s","j=282a36","a=p","aa=bd93f9","u=-1","x=f1fa8c","y=44475a","af=1","ai=1","f=1"];for(var i=0;i<dracula.length;i++)document.cookie=dracula[i];alert('Appearance settings have successfully been updated!');location.reload();



Install using a plugin manager: If you use Oh My Fish to manage your fish plugins: omf install https://github.com/dracula/fish Install manually: Download using the GitHub .zip download option.

Place dracula.fish in your ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ directory, then reload fish e.g. exec fish.

Zsh Syntax Highlighting


Install using Git If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo: git clone https://github.com/dracula/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme 1. Before being able to use the Dracula theme for zsh-syntax-highlighting, you must first have downloaded and installed the zsh-syntax-highlighting utility (and be using zsh).

  1. Copy the contents of the Dracula zsh-syntax-highlighting file, and paste into your zshrc file, likely at ~/.zshrc.

  2. Note: If you installed zsh-syntax-highlighting via git, or site wide, be sure to paste the contents of the file before the following line in your ~/.zshrc file:



source /some/path/to/your/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh


``` - Note: If you installed zsh-syntax-highlighting via a plugin manager, be sure to paste the contents of the file before you activate the utility via it's plugin invocation.

  1. Start a new zsh session: exec zsh and confirm it's working.

Implementation: This theme attempts to cover all possible zsh-syntax-highlighting options for the main highlighter. The coloring was implemented/modelled after the official Dracula color specification as much as logically possible.

As such, the theme is grouped by Dracula spec section; Each section in the spec is 1:1 with a ##

in the theme file. For settings that didn't seem to fall under any of the Dracula spec, they are under the ## No category relevant in spec section.

Within a section, the options occur in the same order they do on the main highlighter doc page.

Accompanying Screnshot Prompt: Though not related to this theme nor included as a specific Dracula offering, the prompt in the screenshot is typewritten: "A minimal zsh prompt". Relevant ~/.zshrc settings are so: ```

Typwritten: https://typewritten.dev/#/installation; Dracula compliment, purple based


export TYPEWRITTEN_SYMBOL="λ " export DRACULA_TYPEWRITTEN_COLOR_MAPPINGS="primary:#d5ccff;secondary:#9580ff;info_neutral_1:#d0ffcc;info_neutral_2:#ffffcc;info_special:#ff9580;info_negative:#ff5555;notice:#ffff80;accent:#d5ccff" export TYPEWRITTEN_COLOR_MAPPINGS="${DRACULA_TYPEWRITTEN_COLOR_MAPPINGS}" export TYPEWRITTEN_PROMPT_LAYOUT="half_pure" ```

Midnight Commander


Install manually For 8/16 colors; download the latest raw file and save it as ~/.local/share/mc/skins/dracula.ini

For 256 colors; download the latest raw file and save it as ~/.local/share/mc/skins/dracula256.ini

Activating theme: Update your mc settings..

for 8/16 color..


for 256 color..

skin=dracula256 ``` - Option 2: choose the skin through the mc UI with F9 > Options > Appearance



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: 1. Copy dracula.theme to ~/.config/bashtop/user_themes/ 2. Start bashtop, press m for the menu, go to options, "Color theme" and set dracula as the theme.



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: 1. Copy dunstrc to ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc 2. You may want to look through and change some of the options in dunstrc to match your preferences/original configuration



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: 1. Replace color lines from your ~/.kdiff3rc (ex on win: C:\Users\.kdiff3rc) file with the ones from dracula theme's .kdiff3rc 2. Restart Kdiff3



Install manually Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme: 1. Install the Dracula color theme for Xresources

  1. Find your ranger colorschemes directory. Usually, it is located in ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes.
  2. If you don't have a ~/.config/ranger directory:

    1. Run ranger --copy-config=(rc)
    2. Go to ~/.config/ranger and create a directory called colorschemes
  3. Go back to the cloned or downloaded directory

  4. Copy or link dracula.py to your ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes directory

    • Copy: cp dracula.py ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/dracula.py
    • Link: ln -s dracula.py ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/dracula.py
  5. Go to your rc.conf file located in ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf

  6. Change the line set colorscheme ... to set colorscheme dracula