Dotfiles managed with chezmoi

Every once in a while, you may need to bootstrap a new machine, and along with it to reconfigure home directory’s dot files. Various approaches already exist, using simple archive, git the home directory, gnu stow (symlinks), etc.

These approaches work more or less depending on your expectation, I wanted something that chezmoi touts: the integration with password managers. There are other features on the shelf too, like templating, and system bootstrap facility.

Here I will only focus on the management of the dot files and of the secrets.

After you’ve got chezmoi installed, you need to initialize it

❯ chezmoi init

This will create a directory there ~/.local/share/chezmoi and managed dotfiles will land here, this folder is actually a git repository. This folder and the files in here are referred to as the source files while the files in the home directory adn are referred to as the target.

The basics

Then start adding the files you care about, e.g. 

❯ chezmoi add .zshrc
❯ chezmoi add .config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
❯ chezmoi add .SpaceVim.d/init.toml

Then when ready commit the files, for that you need to go to the source directory of chezmoi and perform the git dance.

❯ chezmoi cdgit st
On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

❯ git add *
❯ git commit --message="Init config"

This repository can then be synchronized with a remote git repository.

Managing changes

Suppose the file $HOME/.zshrc evolves a bit, like declaring another oh-my-zsh plugin, in order to see the difference between actual files, and the files that are backed up by chezmoi use the chezmoi diff command

❯ chezmoi diff
install -m 644 /dev/null /Users/bric3/.zshrc
--- a/Users/bric3/.zshrc
+++ b/Users/bric3/.zshrc
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@

-  man osx
+  man

   gradle mvn
   kubectl helm docker
  • The lines starting with a minus - comes from the target files, i.e. the files in the $HOME directory.
  • The lines starting with a plus + comes from the source files, i.e. the files in the chezmoi internal directory.

Knowing the above, this output can be understood as, the source file only have the man plugin entry on that line, while the local file have man osx plugin entries on that same line.

Now let’s look at the output of two other commands:

  • chezmoi apply will apply the source file to their local target, e.g. the .zshrc file will converge to what’s in the source file, once chezmoi apply has been executed, this file will only declare the man plugin.

      ❯ chezmoi apply --verbose --dry-run ~/.zshrc
      install -m 644 /dev/null /Users/bric3/.zshrc
      --- a/Users/bric3/.zshrc
      +++ b/Users/bric3/.zshrc
      @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
      -  man osx
      +  man
         gradle mvn
         kubectl helm docker
  • chezmoi add will do the opposite, it will change the source file .zshrc from the local target file, i.e. after executing chezmoi add, the source file will now have the man osx entries.

      ❯ chezmoi add --verbose --dry-run ~/.zshrc
      rm -rf /Users/bric3/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_zshrc
      install -m 644 /dev/null /Users/bric3/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_zshrc
      --- a/Users/bric3/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_zshrc
      +++ b/Users/bric3/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_zshrc
      @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
      -  man
      +  man osx
         gradle mvn
         kubectl helm docker

    Note hoe the minus - and plus + appears in the opposite change.

Handling secret with 1Password

So now that we have a basic setup and understanding of the tool, let’s manage files with secrets. Currently, I have some files that I’d rather keep protected, especially if I use a private repository on my git host be it GitHub, Gitlab or else.

For that we’ll need the chezmoi templating feature, and the cli tool from the password manager, in this blog post I’m using on 1Password, but check the how-to documentation for other password manager support like Bitwarden or Keypassx.

So I especially need to store securely files in my .ssh folder and my .gnupg folders.

❯ chezmoi add .ssh/                                             

Regarding SSH, is a public key, so I’m just adding it raw, however things get interesting for id_rsa which is my private key.

❯ chezmoi add --template .ssh/id_rsa_home
❯ chezmoi add --template .ssh/config
❯ chezmoi add --template .gnupg/trustdb.gpg
❯ chezmoi add --template .gnupg/pubring.kbx

Here I’m telling chezmoi to store id_rsa_home as a template. While the stored file template still contains the original:

Regarding GPG files, chezmoi supports GPG, but it’s used as way to encrypt secrets not to backup the GPG secrets. There’s indeed a way to extract these secret keys as non-binary files using a few gpg commands, via run scripts, however this break the declarative approach of chezmoi. So I chose to save the binary files, here only trustdb.gpg and pubring.kbx.

❯ chezmoi edit .ssh/id_rsa_home
# template is the same as the actual $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_home

In order to tell make chezmoi aware of 1Password for this template, I first need to store the documents on 1Password. For that it is necessary to have a 1Password subscription that lets you have an online vault.

First sign-in

❯ eval $(op signin my)

Then store documents using the 1Password cli tool op

❯ op create document .ssh/id_rsa --tags chezmoi --title .ssh/id_rsa
❯ op create document .ssh/config --tags chezmoi --title .ssh/config
❯ op create document .gnupg/trustdb.gpg --tags chezmoi --title .gnupg/trustdb.gpg
❯ op create document .gnupg/trustdb.gpg --tags chezmoi --title .gnupg/pubring.kbx

All UUIDs have been edited of course.

To complete this operation, we need to modify the templates files where to get the file, since there’s a few binary files vim is not suited for that, so I’m using another mean to replace the content by the template.

❯ chezmoi cdecho -n '{{- onepasswordDocument "ti2adie9Aixaidae4dahpoh5io" -}}' > private_dot_gnupg/private_id_rsa.tmpl
❯ echo -n '{{- onepasswordDocument "pairahnietaluv5Moonahm2ea5" -}}' > private_dot_gnupg/config.tmpl
❯ echo -n '{{- onepasswordDocument "zi8ieleiphieTithiep2xieg3u" -}}' > private_dot_gnupg/private_trustdb.gpg.tmpl
❯ echo -n '{{- onepasswordDocument "losachuYeeho5Eiph2uzoquohl" -}}' > private_dot_gnupg/private_pubring.kbx.tmpl
❯ exit

Note that I’m replacing the binary file content of .gnupg/trustdb.gpg and .gnupg/pubring.kbx with the template character string {{- onepasswordDocument "uuid" -}}.

Also, one downside with 1Password at this time, is that documents cannot be updated, you need to remove the old document using the UUID and use the create sub-command on the new version of the file, you’ll get a new uuid and as such you’ll have to update these template

Checking the templates

Eventually it’s possible to check the templating works by apply the source files to another target directory.

❯ chezmoi apply --verbose --destination /Users/bric3/tmphome --dry-run

One thing you may notice is that now, this is global command, and all global command will require the 1Password op session to be active, and you may have to run again eval $(op signin my) as a pre-requisite.

If ready remove the --dry-run, and see the tmphome folder populated (after the command has run because chezmoi applies changes atomically).

❯ l /Users/bric3/tmphome
Permissions Size User  Date Modified Name
drwxr-xr-x     - bric3  2 Apr  2:54  .config
.rw-r--r--  3.1k bric3  2 Apr  2:54  .gitconfig
.rw-r--r--  2.4k bric3  2 Apr  2:54  .gitignore-global
drwx------     - bric3  2 Apr  2:55  .gnupg
drwxr-xr-x     - bric3  2 Apr  2:55  .gradle
drwxr-xr-x     - bric3  2 Apr  2:55  .kube
.rw-r--r--  7.5k bric3  2 Apr  2:55  .mrconfig
.rw-r--r--   51k bric3  2 Apr  2:55  .p10k.zsh
drwxr-xr-x     - bric3  2 Apr  2:54  .SpaceVim.d
drwx------     - bric3  2 Apr  2:56  .ssh
.rw-r--r--  7.4k bric3  2 Apr  2:56  .zshrc

Note, it’s possible to apply only a portion of the dot files in that temporary folder just by adding the target absolute path /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/

❯ chezmoi apply --verbose --destination /Users/bric3/tmphome /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/

And what we wanted, make sure the templates are exactly the same as the original files

❯ b3sum /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/pubring.kbx /Users/bric3/.gnupg/pubring.kbx
1b51813215edef2e97846bfee51cd02dd8d6c2cb6a119b3681ac087597fb0197  /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/pubring.kbx
1b51813215edef2e97846bfee51cd02dd8d6c2cb6a119b3681ac087597fb0197  /Users/bric3/.gnupg/pubring.kbx
❯ b3sum /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg /Users/bric3/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg
d2c67bb808b223cc6f1b7c95b627b4b5551daa1312e12dd0ad3c5bfa1ac35dc9  /Users/bric3/tmphome/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg
d2c67bb808b223cc6f1b7c95b627b4b5551daa1312e12dd0ad3c5bfa1ac35dc9  /Users/bric3/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg

Looks good !

It’s not over

chezmoi comes with some features that are a bit more involved, especially the templating and the system bootstrap/configuration. As I’m not using them for now I’ll leave it aside.

Now the only thing I’ll need to get my dotfiles is

❯ eval $(op signin my)
❯ chezmoi init --apply --verbose https://githost.tld/path/to/dotfiles.git

Additionally, in order to synchronize the dotfiles from upstream repository :

❯ eval $(op signin my)
❯ chezmoi source pull -- --rebase && chezmoi diff
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Author: [“brice.dutheil”]

Created: 2023-11-16 Do 10:50