Hippocratics on WhatsApp
Why use WhatsApp in the first place?

March 9, 2021

Why would you want to change your messenger?

The decision to change messaging platforms can be a significant undertaking. While privacy concerns are valid, it’s essential to recognize that other messaging apps, like WhatsApp, also offer end-to-end encryption. The primary concern with privacy should not be the sole reason to switch platforms.

It’s understandable to start considering alternative options, but changing messengers is a much bigger process than merely dropping WhatsApp. All messaging apps collect some data, and the level of data collected often depends on the user’s consent.

The argument that using a free messaging app means you’re paying with your data is misleading. Although you may not pay a monetary fee, you’re still giving up your data in exchange for using the app. However, there are numerous free and open-source alternatives available, such as Signal or Telegram, which offer more transparency and respect user privacy.

Switching to alternative messaging platforms is a personal decision. While I can’t convince you to change your views, I encourage you to explore and consider other options before making a final decision.

The social aspect of instant messaging is equally crucial. Misinformation and fake news spread quickly through these platforms, shaping public opinion and potentially influencing democratic processes. When sharing information, it’s vital to verify its credibility and source. Double-check articles and their sources before sharing them, and be cautious of suspicious links or unknown websites.

Alternatives exist, but ultimately, the choice is yours. Make an informed decision based on your priorities and needs, and be mindful of the information you share.